Students from both the Fachschule and the HTL programs participated in our annual Contest of Spoken English, which is held just before the Semester Break as a way to celebrate the end of term.
During the first round, participants interviewed each other. The final round was a role playing game where students organized a project.
Lea Petrovic from the 4AFCHU took second place; Toms Lagzdins of the 3CHCI came in third; and Emily Mocan from the 5AHCI came in first place.
Many sponsors contributed to making our event possible and more festive. Metrohm Inula GmbH generously donated a library of books in English, which was handed over to contest participants during the Awards Ceremony. An elegant tea set, various teas, and gift certificates for the bookstore Hartliebs were graciously sponsored by our school community's Alumni Association, VÖCHICHT. Vienna’s English Theater also donated tickets. Cooltours awarded a trip to Ireland to the winner of our competition - an incredible contribution. Our school's Parents' Association provided a delicious brunch to all participants.
Lea and Emily will go on to compete in the city-wide English Language Competition -- the Wiener Sprachwettbewerb -- at the Wiener Bildungsdirektion in February. We hope they enjoy the experience and wish them a strong performance.
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Rosensteingasse 79, 1170 Wien
Telefon: +43 (1) 486 14 80 - 0
Montag bis Freitag
07:30 bis 12:00, 13:00 bis 15:30