After a challenging three year hiatus, the HBLVA Rosensteingasse was finally able to host its annual English Language Competition once again this year on February 2nd.
The abilities of our resourceful students came to the fore during this year's English Language Contest, which included participants from across the student body. This year's competition took place during the last week of the semester, so our students had an opportunity to celebrate the end of term in a social setting that included a nutritious breakfast kindly sponsored by our community's Parents' Association.
The winners were Sao Mai Nguyen from the 4AHCIM and Maxime Nejdl from the 3AFCHB. They and their fellow participants received gift certificates for Hartliebs, a bookstore in our part of town; these were graciously sponsored by our community's Alumni Association, VÖCHICHT, as well as several other prizes from several other sponsors, which included an unprecedented surprize: a trip to Ireland.
Sao Mai and Maxime and two other finalists, Hannah Szirtes of the 4BHCIB and Laura Mustafaj of the 2AFCHB, went on to compete in the city-wide English Language Competition -- the Wiener Sprachwettbewerb -- on February 24th at the Wiener Bildungsdirektion, where they were able to augment their experiences now as our school representatives communicating and expressing themselves in English.
Höhere Bundes- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt
für chemische Industrie
Rosensteingasse 79, 1170 Wien
Telefon: +43 (1) 486 14 80 - 0
Montag bis Freitag
07:30 bis 12:00, 13:00 bis 15:30